The exact bonus a user is rewarded each month is calculated using the formula below:
l = user's loyalty bonus
i = total claims (in last month)
j = sum of each user's distinct days claimed (in last month)
x = claims made by the user (in last month)
y = number of distinct days the user claimed on (in last month)
t = total funds being redistributed (sum of claims forfeited by inactive users)

For example, if the total funds forfeited (t) is 1 XMR, and in the last month there were 30000 claims made in total (i), a total of 1000 distinct days claimed on (j), you made a total of 200 claims (x) and claimed on 20 distinct days (y), then you would receive the following bonus:

How do I maximise my loyalty bonus?
80% of your loyalty bonus is determined by how many individual days in the preceding month that you made a claim from the faucet. A quick way to ensure you get a decent bonus is to make a claim every day! The other 20% of your loyalty bonus is determined by the number of claims you make in total. So, to really maximise your bonus you would make a claim multiple times a day on every day of the month.
Please be advised that the actual bonus you receive will be different to the example as it depends, not only on your activity, but also on the activity of other users and the amount of XMR forfeited by inactive users.
For information on why a user is made inactive and forfeits their funds please see below.